Thursday 12 May 2011

MBLA Training

Finally my training for the first part of my MBLA.
Trail Cycle Leader(TCL) has to be acheived before I can even think about my Mountain Bike Leader Award(MBL). It was two days in not so sunny Penrith but nice and close to my parent house for somewhere to doss for the night.

Training wasn't a great surprise so it seemed like I was just "going through the motions" for most of the day.
What really frightened me was the Mountain Leaders(ML) that struggled to make a route on a map than find the route on the ground when we were let out of the classroom.

I've now got to arrange my assessment for next month hopefully the week after WRT.

Then I'll be legal to get people lost on the hills, but not of big mountains.

Monday 7 February 2011

A new bike arrived at our house a couple of weeks ago and I've got to admit I was more excited than Nelly was on her birthday but probably not as keen to get outside and try the new bike as her brother was.  
It's since been upgraded to pink grips and saddle to girlify it but it still doesn't put Billy off wanting to ride it.

Time for me to get up to speed with technology

Time for me to waffle on a blog now that quite a few of my mates have them, I was feeling left out.
Probably be few and far between but better than nowt.